In short

Thought Leaders Interview: Fraser Likely

This week Fraser Likely joins us for the interview series “Thought Leaders in PR Measurement” question and answer. For 25 years the director of Likely Communication Strategies Ltd. has been involved in PR Measurement. In the... ...

"Unlocking Business Performance" – 5th European Summit on Measurement

More than 200 participants from 35 different countries attended the 5th European AMEC Summit on Measurement at the beginning of June. Numerous workshops, discussions and lectures of this year`s conference in Madrid took place... ...

Thought Leaders Interview: Rainer Mathes

Within the interview series "Thought Leaders in PR Measurement" Rainer Mathes, founder and president of PRIME Research Group, talks about his experience with PR measurement from a practitioners perspective. To find out why... ...

Thought Leaders Interview: Tom Watson

In the past part of our interview series we looked at PR Measurement from a practitioners perspective by talking to Ketchum’s David Rockland. This week Tom Watson explains his personal view on the topic as an academic and points... ...

Thought Leaders Interview: David Rockland

In the second part of our interview-series „Thought Leaders in PR Measurement“ David Rockland is talking about his professional insights and personal experiences. He especially shaped the practice of PR Measurement and influenced... ...

Thought Leaders Interview: James E. Grunig

One week ago announced the interview series “Thought Leaders in PR Measurement”. Today the series starts with a talk to James E. Grunig – in the mid-1970s, he was one of the first academics dealing... ...

Interview series: „Thought Leaders in PR Measurement"

PR Measurement is a highly discussed topic in research and practice, but also comes with an interesting history. The milestones of its development are closely connected to people who started the international discussion and... ...

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