TRI*M (TNS Infratest)

1. Definition
TRI*M (Measuring, Managing and Monitoring) is a standardized indicator system. It analyzes, measures and portrays stakeholder relationships on the basis of standardized indicators. The TRI*M Index is an indicator of the status quo of a particular relationship. The index is made up of four points of view on the stakeholder relationship, e.g. for customer loyalty: overall rating, recommendation, repeat purchasing of product/services, and a company's competitive advantage. The information is based on surveys/interviews.

2. Applications
The TRI*M Index can be used among other purposes for analysis and measurement of customer loyalty, employee commitment, leadership strength, and internal service quality in companies. The main focus is on customer loyalty. To maintain long-term success, it is necessary to match services and processes to customer needs. To do so, customers' opinions and estimations on the respective product/company are collected, analyzed and plotted as a basis for determining action to be taken.

3. Umsetzung
TRI*M uses surveys as a data generation tool. The investigation looks at individual stakeholder groups or the (representative) overall environment of a company. Questionnaires may be tailored individually in parts. Key questions that are condensed to core stakeholder analysis messages are standardized (reproducibility).
With respect to statements on a company's reputation, the stakeholders of the public (potential) employees, journalists, investors and (potential) customers are questioned in terms of five indicators: good public reputation, likeableness, trust, rating of the quality of products/services, economic success. The results are combined to give index values.
A communication strengths-weaknesses profile (TRI*M Grid) shows options for action. Benchmarking with other companies (TRI*M Competitive Analysis) enables assessment of a company's own performance and identification of areas where the company differs from competitors.

The analysis tool was developed primarily to explore customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Most examples of use of the tool are from these areas. It is doubtful whether  corporate communication performance can be reduced to determination of company reputation. TRI*M does not explore the financial contribution of communication to total corporate fortunes.

4. Indicators
TRI*M Index value (absolute figure)

5. Service providers in Germany
TNS Infratest GmbH, München

6. Links
Hermann, Steffen P. (2006): Stakeholder Management - Long term business success through sustainable stakeholder relationships. [PDF, 170 KB]

TRI*M™ – stakeholder management - Informations on the official website of TNS Infratest.

7. Further reading

8. Case studies

Please send us short texts from your projects on this topic in the same structure as the existing case studies, and more information (pdf or links) on the methods employed in as much detail as possible.

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