Eight steps to Social Media Measurement

By: Anika Müller / 28.08.2013

International industry associations and organizations expand the debate on social media measurement by new standardization proposals. In addition to approaches for the development of frameworks and metrics catalogues, already reported by communicationcontrolling.de in the last weeks, the white paper called “Eight-Step Social Media Measurement Process” by Angela Jeffrey provides a practical guide to social media measurement.

Step-by-step through measuring social media

The author of the guide and member of the IPR Commission on PR Measurement and Evaluation Angela Jeffrey identifies eight steps for a social media evaluation process:

  1. Identify goals
  2. Research stakeholders
  3. Set objectives
  4. Set key performance indicators (KPI)
  5. Choose tools and benchmarks
  6. Analyze results and compare to costs
  7. Present to management
  8. Improve measurement and performance

For each part, Jeffrey provides theoretical background and illustrates examples, which help the readers as a place to start. Step 4, for example, includes not only concrete performance metrics, but also definitions and guidelines.

Besides the “Eight-step guide”, the author introduces many related topics, including research material and efforts, and what ROI is. In a detailed, but clearly represented appendix, she lays out in addition metrics, tools and tips for practical works.

The 20-page appendix provides information on providers, tools and evaluation techniques.

AMEC Valid Metrics form the basis

This guide to social media measurement is based on the AMEC Valid Metrics Framework. In order to integrate specifics of social media, the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication developed the framework. In the beginning of June, the AMEC Social Media Measurement Group presented the so-called AMEC Social Media Valid Framework. Jeffrey`s guide doesn`t include those changes.

You can download the white paper as a PDF document for free here.

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