
1. Definition
WebQM is an integrated method for quality management in corporate websites. It is based on a combination of the indicator-supported Balanced Scorecard method and standardized test and monitoring methods. The method incorporates both internal in-company of the website and external benchmark-based comparative evaluations.

2. Applications
The system focuses on the measurement, evaluation and control of internal and external corporate communication on the Internet. It analyzes the performance features of corporate websites – especially from the point of view of users -, their quality, and the economic value added associated with corporate websites on the World Wide Web. The method mix answers questions such as:

  • How effectively are corporate messages being spread via the website?
  • How much can be saved by producing digital corporate reports?
  • What expectations do website users have?

3. Implementation
Individual performance indicators are used for internal evaluation of the company's own website (similar to internet media analysis), where corporate strategy is the point of departure. Five different test methods are conducted for the external evaluation, which are primarily based on benchmarking. The indicators thus obtained are transferred to a scorecard. This enables companies to identify best practice and the economic value added by web communication.

The Scorecard reflects internal corporate processes as well as the user's perspective. It starts off with a weighted set of 71 success criteria for corporate websites, out of which internal performance features are identified. The next step is the comparison of these indicators with other corporate data.

Digital corporate communication is analyzed and evaluated in five steps:

  1. Corporate Website Benchmark (user surveys)
  2. Corporate Reach Benchmark (comparative range analysis)
  3. Corporate Message Benchmark (analysis of communication performance)
  4. Email Response Benchmark (measurement of dialog quality)
  5. Quality Management Audit (QM check)

These modules can be used individually.

In summary, the (WebXF-)Scorecard is a dashboard combining strategic and operative targets as well as actual outcomes.

4. Indicators

5. Service providers in Germany
Web Excellence Forum, with the involvement of communication experts from Dax 30 companies and other international players. The goodwill sponsor is the Web Excellence Forum association.

6. Links
WebQM – quality management of corporate websites - Informations on the official website of the Web Excellence Forum

7. Further reading

8. Case studies

Please send us short texts from your projects on this topic in the same structure as the existing case studies, and more information (pdf or links) on the methods employed in as much detail as possible.
Contact: redaktioncommunicationcontrolling.de

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